Now more than ever, we need websites that work hard for us, bringing more ease into our businesses and lives.

We’re in a new era where working from home, side-hustles, career pivots, and taking our business online is the new norm.

I want to help you create a website that:

  • cuts through the noise and helps you STAND OUT online

  • gives you the CONFIDENCE to put your name out there or raise your rates

  • takes some admin tasks OFF your plate

  • gives you the freedom to PIVOT in new directions quickly


Hey! I’m Candice

The web designer who cares deeply about your success. I want to help your online business grow with alignment and ease by building you a website that’s not only beautiful, but functions at it’s highest potential.

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Before Web design, I was an Architectural designer.

I loved designing spaces for people. But after having kids (my eldest born with a chronic health condition) I pivoted into digital design with the dream of creating an online business that allowed a more flexible lifestyle than was previously possible.

I still love designing spaces for people (just online spaces now!) and my Bachelor of Design and architectural approach are put to work in building websites full of thoughtful user experiences, high functionality and joyful design details.

It was a loooooong road of learning the ins and outs of website tech as well as online business, branding and marketing. And while I’m an avid DIYer, my progress only really took off when I finally gave up the ‘I’ll do it alone’ mentality and reached out for help from coaches, educators and online biz professionals who could guide me through the really tough spots.

Now it brings me great joy to help others sail through the often muddy waters of building a website, and avoid unnecessary frustration and overwhelm, while setting themselves up for future success and ease.

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“Candice is a highly skilled web designer - both interpersonally and design-wise. She made me feel seen, heard, and at ease from the start. I readily trusted her to be able to translate my vision into a website that reflected me, and she did an outstanding job of this”.

 – Dr. Kristine Laderoute, Toronto.


My favorite thing about work, is the people I get to work with.

People like you- doing great things in the world, making a difference, bravely creating something new, helping people. I want to see more people like you out there finding success, that’s why I do what I do.

If you’re a coach, business consultant, speaker or healer and your business is just way more personal than ‘just another business’, we may be a great fit.

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Why Squarespace?

It set’s my clients up for long-term ease and success.

The new wave of online business is here- where business owners are EMPOWERED by their websites, not intimidated by them.

  • Squarespace is so user friendly it empowers my clients to make their own updates the second something in their business needs to pivot. I believe this freedom to change easily is an essential ingredient for online business success in it’s first few years.

  • Site security is also taken care of, so you don’t have to worry about maintenance plans, installing updates, or dealing with your site being hacked. You could ‘set it and forget it’ and spend your time and energy focusing on your actual business.

  • It has the custom code and SEO capabilities to create the highest functioning professional sites out there.


MY skills that YOU can benefit from:

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Style & Function.

Usability combined with beautiful design was my goal in architecture and still is now in web design. I strive to bring delight and ease to website visitors, while combining high-conversion strategy with joyful design details.

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Always learning.

I stay on top of the design trends, tech updates and online business shifts that are ALWAYS happening. This is a rapidly evolving industry, and my love of learning (and sharing) keep’s my clients at the leading edge of online business.

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Holistic thinking.

Designs can be large, complex, moving puzzles that require a mind for the big picture AND the fine grain details. I harmoniously solve the complicated problems with creativity and innovation, so you don’t have to.

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A love of tech.

Creating beautiful digital designs puts me in my flow state, and understanding the world happening behind our computer screens keeps my curiosity engaged and your website outperforming the rest.


I can’t wait to meet you and make something great together!

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Read more about me in my interview with Go Solo:


“Candice could see the vision and potential for my website and knew the power and value that it could  provide for my brand. She executed that vision flawlessly with professionalism, creativity, timeliness, and confidence”.

-Kelly Smith, Willow & Oak Solutions, Washington.